Maine Archives and Museums is pleased to announce that Judy Ashby is our new Executive Director. Judy was Bangor Public Library’s Head of Reference Services Department, and has worked in New York as a public school library media specialist, and regional school library system administrator. The hiring committee was impressed with her energy, confidence, and enthusiasm to lead MAM into its next chapter of serving the collecting institutions of Maine.
The Board of MAM has split the traditional Executive Director position into two parts. Judy’s charge is to be the visionary for the organization. As MAM seeks to support our members in the archival, museum, and collecting community, Judy will create ties between and with members, nurture a robust continuing education program, and represent our members’ interests to the broader society. You will be hearing more from her at our annual MAM Conference and Annual Meeting in October, through our newsletters, and in personal communication. Judy can be contacted via email at: