Freeport Historical Society Announces Oral History Training Workshop and Program

11 Mar 2014 11:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

On Sunday, March 16th,  1:30pm-4:30pm at Harrington House (45 Main Street,)

Freeport Historical Society is offering an Oral History Interviewing Workshop.



Community members will learn how to conduct an oral history session, including

preparation and practice interviews. Equipment will also be reviewed.

FHS volunteer Molly Graham, who is a professional oral historian, will be leading the

workshop which costs $10.00/pp. For those who volunteer to collect four oral histories

over the next twelve months the fee is waived.


Ms. Graham is an oral historian, radio producer and archivist with archival and field

experience in Massachusetts and Maine. She served as Oral Historian for the Wisconsin

Veterans Museum. Molly holds an M.A. in Library Science and is a graduate of the Salt

Institute for Documentary Studies.


Collecting oral histories is a very important dimension to the work of Freeport

Historical Society and was an issue which surfaced in several of our recent Lunch with

Locals  programs.


FHS is interested in capturing a range of stories including recollections of the

development of the Interstate through Freeport, in preparation for its 2014 Exhibit,

titled, “ You CAN Get There from Here-How Transportation Defined Freeport.”

 The development of roads and highways has connected and disrupted Maine’s

communities and shaped the towns around them.  The Freeport Historical Society, in

an effort to capture the history and impact of Maine’s transportation systems, seeks

to record and preserve the stories of those who witnessed and experienced the

changes in Freeport  roads and highways.  In order to create a more complete

record of the past, we hope to compile a variety of perspectives and voices from the



While we are particularly interested in capturing oral histories which share details

of the impact of the Interstate and other transportation systems on Freeport, we are

also interested in collecting stories about Freeport’s once-vibrant shoemaking

industry. (Shoemaking will be our exhibit-focus in 2015.)

Please tell us your story (even if it is not related to the Interstate/

transportation systems or shoemaking,) we are still very interested!


Contact Freeport Historical Society at 865-3170 or

to sign up for the workshop or to schedule a convenient time at your location or ours  to be interviewed by            

Molly Graham or volunteer Rebecca Hotelling.




Sunday, March 16th 1:30p-4:30p Learn How to Conduct Oral History Interviews. 45 Main Street.  $10pp


Sunday,March 23rd 2p-4p  45th Annual Meeting  at Freeport Community Library  Guest speaker, awards program, brief business meeting . Beverages


Please support our generous and community-minded 2014 sponsors: L.L. Bean, Bath Savings Institution and Bath SavingsTrust Company, Taggart Construction, Chilton Furniture, Hilton Garden Inn, Brown Goldsmiths, Riley Insurance, Linda Bean's Maine Kitchen & Topside Tavern, and Freeport USA


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