Blog and Newsletter

The Association of Maine Archives and Museums publishes quarterly print newsletter that is sent out to members in February, May, August, and November. We also maintain the blog on this page for members to share their announcements more immediately.

Quarterly Print Newsletter

Submissions: If you are a member interested in submitting articles, dispatches, opportunities, and/or photos to the print newsletter, please review these guideline and deadlines.

Advertising: If you are interested in advertising in the print newsletter, please review these specifications and deadlines.

Read now: Click here to view the current and past issues of the print newsletter (members-only; log in first).

News Blog

Members and non-members of MAM may post news of interest to the field using the blog below. To post an event, see the event listings. To post a job or internship opportunity, see the job/internship board. MAM reserves the right to edit or reject postings as it deems appropriate. This service is free to members; non-members are charged $20.

Posts to this news blog are automatically shared to the MAM Facebook page to get even more exposure!

MEMBERS: Log in, then click "Add Post." If you have trouble logging in, email

NON-MEMBERS: To submit your bulletin board post, please email

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  • 27 Jan 2012 2:34 PM | Anonymous member
  • 26 Jan 2012 8:57 PM | Anonymous member

    The American Association for State and Local History bestows Leadership in History Awards to establish and encourage standards of excellence in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all Americans. By publicly recognizing superior and innovative achievements, the Leadership in History Awards serve as an inspiration to others in the field.

    If you would like to nominate an organization or person for a Leadership in History award, then complete a Leadership in History Nomination Form and submit it to your AASLH State Leadership Team Leader. Do not send nominations to the AASLH office. A nominee does not have to be an AASLH member to apply and self-nominations are encouraged.

    If you would like a form mailed to you, please contact the AASLH office at (615) 320-3203 or by email at

    The deadline for submission is March 1 of each year. Please send nomination information to your State Leadership Team Leader. Questions? Contact Bethany Hawkins, AASLH at 615-320-3203 or email


  • 26 Jan 2012 3:11 PM | Anonymous member

     The Maine State Museum seeks a Director to plan and lead the overall activities of the museum as Maine's 2020 bicentennial draws closer.  The Director serves as the public face of the museum, working closely with the Office of the Governor, Legislature, and other state agencies, including the Cultural Affairs Council, a partnership of state and private institutions.  The Director acts as the museum's chief fundraiser, working with the Friends of the Maine State Museum, in order to increase the effectiveness of the overall program of exhibits, education, and collections. The Director guides the museum's outreach activities and collaborations with other museum, natural science and historical organizations throughout the State. 



    Bachelor's or Master's degree in nonprofit management, museum administration, business or public administration, or related field and ten years' experience in a progressive management role, managing a museum, division or department of a museum or a related entity, including staff leadership, budget development, public outreach and administration.  Skills sought: communications and broad-based community outreach experience; a strategic vision of "the museum of tomorrow;" ability to lead a diverse group of professionals; creative fund raising abilities.


    More information: Candidates may request an application form, information about the position and supplemental questions prepared by a Search Committee of the Museum Commission which will make the final selection. 

    Please contact: Julie Cotnoir, Personnel Specialist, GGSS, 74 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0074, (207) 624-7417.


    Further information is available at and  Review of applications will begin on March 5, 2012.

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Maine Archives and Museums

P.O. Box 95, Portland, Maine 04112 

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